
This is the Zentis Leadership Team

Frank Jansen

COO / Founder

• Co-founder and manager since 2006
• 15+y experience as a software architect and software engineer formedical devices
• 5y experience as a project manager

Matthijs Zeeman

CQO / Founder

• Co-founder and manager since 2006
• 15+y of experience as embedded software architect & engineer for medical devices at Zentis, Philips and Elekta.
• 5y experience as Quality Assurance manager


Richard Post

CEO / Founder

• Co-founder and manager since 2006
• 16+y experience in medical devices and software
• Experienced software architect and team lead

Bert Seegers


• MBA, MRes, B.Eng
• 25+y of international C-level experience, incl. 15y experience as CEO / CBO
• Tangible track record in leading and growing organizations in various industries
• Capgemini, SAS, Infosys, Orikami

Questions? Please do ask! Contact us at info@zentis.nl